
Sensing North

TL;DR: I published an Apple Watch App on the App Store link

If you are an attentive blog reader, you noticed that the last RSS post was a bit off-context. It didn’t appear in the HTML version though.

I published an Apple Watch App on the App Store, and one of the requirements is to have a support page. I host it on a “hidden” page of this blog. Due to a configuration issue, the page ended up in the RSS feed.

Anyway, now the App is published with the help of my friend Nathan and received some good feedback from friends already.

Whenever you walk North under the open sky, plus minus 15 degrees, the Watch will gently tap your wrist with a haptic feedback. If you use the App for a while, so the idea, your intuition will take over. Even without the App you’ll be able to point North based on your own sensory cues. This worked incredibly well for me and I improved my sense of orientation notably.

Longyear App

The App is not even the price of a coffee (2,99€ in most of the EU region, available worldwide). You have the chance to really improve your navigation in the big city jungle, or in nature. Give it a try!

By Raphael Sprenger